Issue 5


Editors: Harvey Lillywhite, Eva Burch
Poetry Editor: Kate Daniels
Fiction Editor: Elizabeth Denton
Managing Editor: Dave Chin
Distribution Manager: Bonnie Zobell
Advertising Manager: Tina Barr
Staff: Marlene Askew, Allen Barnett, Luci Brock Broido, Melvin Cunningham, Ellen Daly, Robert Drain, Johnathan Graf, David Harr, Lee Higgs, Susan Johnson, Wendy Jones, Hadea Kriesberg, Pat Larsen, Rob Lieber, Charlotte Mandel, Michael Moos, Ron Roselli, Brie Salzman, Nancy Schoenberger, Nona Shengold, Daniel Simko, John Soat, Iris Washington, Susan Webster, Julie Wescott, Tim Wetmore, Elizabeth Williams, Jim Boyle, Hilary Frasco, Eric Hedegaard, Celia Watson Strome

$100 Carlos Fuentes Fiction Prize Winner: Stephanie Gunn/ The Woman, The Man, and Carmella

$100 Stanley Kunitz Poetry Prize Winner/: Luis Omar Salina/ Letter Too Late To Vallejo


Robert Drain/ The World’s Fair
Lynn Dunlap/ Working On An Epigraph
Kathleen Baum/ How We Learned to Lie and Steal in New York City

Derek Walcott/ The Liberator
Jorge Luis Borges (Translated by Willis Barnstone)/ Ten Poems
Luis Omar Salinas/ Letter Too Late to Vallejo
Jim Simmerman/ My Parents Send Me’a Ring from the Bahamas
Kate Kilbane/ After the Accident
Christopher Buckley/ Clouds in March
Tom Crawford/ Gray Lodge
Dara Wier/ All You Have in Common
Richard Katrovas/ Two Poems

Iris Washington and Phyllis Muhammad/ An Interview with Imamu Amiri Baraka
Willis Barnstone/ An Interview with Jorge Luis Borges

Sherod Santos/ In the Throat of the Indian Princess


Issue 6


Issue 4