2022 Spring Contest First Runner-Up: What It Means When a Man Tells You to Call His Name

By Joshua Effiong

Men holding waist

a new being is reborn 

with skin as soft as the mouth of a spring 

the camouflaging of his broken pride begin 

but tonight he does not climax before you do 

you remind him that he still carries his identity 

chaotically woven ego blooming chrysanthemums

sometimes he crumbles like Jericho’s wall 

sometimes he is a replica of Gibraltar 

how many times does he liquefy his weaknesses 

& builds a pool in which he baptizes himself 

he relives the memories of his boyhood 

enveloped in the harshness of his masculinity 

what again do I offer a body 

that understands the science of decay

at the mention of his name

his mind becomes a forest of flowery dreams 

their complexities—a portrait of fainting hope 

& what is a name 

if not a reminder of what was 

what is & what is to come


About the author:

Joshua Effiong is a writer and artist from the Örö people of Nigeria, studying Science Laboratory Technology at University of Calabar. His works has appeared/forthcoming in Shallow Tales Review, Rough Cut Press, Madrigal Press, Titled House, Augment Review, Selcouth Station Press, Rising Phoenix Review, amongst others. He is also the author of a poetry chapbook, Autopsy of Things Left Unnamed (2020).

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons


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