Barebacking the Barback by Christopher Soto
We're his // Retired slut on food stamps // Forever
Sniffing horse tranquilizer // Seeing digital dreams
60 for 60: Seventy Times Seven
My initial reaction to Tracy K. Smith’s “Seventy Times Seven” was one of awe. To begin at the beginning, the title cannot help but remind one of Matthew 18:22. While Smith incorporates religious figures, including San Nicolas, the poem is nothing short of magical in its exploration of culture, spiritual awakening, and human emotions. In a lecture, Smith discussed the interconnections between faith and poetry. She said, “Like the language of spiritual awakening, poems seek to be living words—vehicles for transmitting a sense of the strange and the powerful from speaker to reader” (Smith, 2018). Thus poetry is a vessel that carries with it the energy and intentions set by the author.
Smuggling Bethlehem
I am no stranger to picking apples out of men's throats.
I'm tired of making amends with soon-to-be strangers.
Tired of being my mother's favorite stranger.
60 for 60: Portrait of the Poet as Augustus Egg
“I am tired of women who are sad. I am tired of / Men who are tired.” The end of April is a good time to be finished with feeling sad and tired. It’s springtime; the earth is singing; it’s still National Poetry Month. I’ve never seen the Thames, but I know it mythically, as all rivers are known.
Two Poems from Scrum
you grab the end of your girlfriend’s scarf and quickly sniff it
when she’s not at the table
I pick off the strands of hair caught on her coat when we go out
Three Poems by Adela Zamudio
The fiery rays of the summer sun
are scorching the earth.
The withered prairie, in its slow death throes,
In Ocean Vuong’s Poetry, an Ocean of Moving Elegiac Paradoxes
Undisputedly, the years have been at once kind and brutal to Ocean Vuong. I say kind in the sense that, from a career perspective, Vuong has ascended to the peak of literary prominence at a pace and to heights few contemporary poets can match. Along the way up, he’s accrued a faithful audience, struck late-night talk-show stardom, and garnered prestigious awards, a T.S. Eliot Prize and a MacArthur Fellowship, among countless others. But I also say brutal, in that violence and loss continue to plague Vuong’s life: he’s had to contend with the harsh realities of growing up in poverty, as an immigrant and former refugee from Vietnam, and as a bookish queer boy navigating through a largely unsympathetic society.
2021 Spring Contest Winner: Kodak 4200 Slide Projector Asks If I Ever Held Hands With My Father
In the first picture my father's hands ain't holding nothing
60 for 60: Apollo in the Defeated Town
The statue's red lips
drip with the spit
of abandoned wives.
Two Poems, (“On pain” and “On killing” I and II)
You talk of time and how its crooked ways will make us old as time. of daily devotions. of the goodness in good friday.
5 Poems by Li Xiaoyang (pen name Cong An)
Fastened to keys and thieves in its fate
Just as life is fastened to the bright and degenerate,
To forgiveness or silence.
60 for 60: [So much joy! We have come as close as we dared, Lord]
This past week, many of my waking thoughts have strayed towards Ukraine, as I am sure is true for many. Between fear of nuclear threats from Russia, the danger of totalitarianism in Europe, and moving portraits of everyday citizens taking up arms, international consciousness is riveted to this disturbing development.
The Language between Worlds: A Conversation with Poet Carlie Hoffman
What does it mean to occupy an “Alaska of the mind”? Is it possible to write into and against the world of your own poems? In her debut poetry collection, This Alaska, Carlie Hoffman maps a vast, sparsely populated, and glacial terrain, choosing this landscape as the place of her reckoning with her childhood, grief, suffering, love, and hope. A poet, translator, and educator, Hoffman’s honors include a 92Y Discovery Poetry Prize and an Amy Award from Poets & Writers, among others. In conversation with Nina Reljić, a Columbia MFA student, Hoffman discusses her writing methodology and how some answers exist at the bottom of an endless well.
60 for 60: The First Gate
This initial version of Marie Howe’s “The Gate” appeared in our 1996 winter issue—coincidentally the year and season of my own birth. For a number of reasons, I’ve been obsessed for a while with the concept of a gate: the gates that we keep, the ones we pass or don’t pass at TSA, the rooms we are kept out of and are forced to break into or recreate outside toxic systems of power. Here, Howe deals directly with maybe the most important door we all must someday pass through.
I stole a timepiece
I’m situated now inside the evening
I carry two cold beers in my plastic grocery sac
It feels amniotic and sane
“Cut #1 (Kitchen at Noon)” and “Cut #5 (Winds)”
The blade, huge,
on which my daily
panic of a face